Thursday, August 16, 2012

Monday to Thursday

Monday, finally accomplished the livejournal with my own hands. It's really a great sense of accomplishment as since Secondary school I recognized myself  as an IT IDIOT. What more everything disappeared when I was done at the end and I re-started all over. After I got done, I feel so....
Baby had a tough interview and I waited for him until 8pm before we have our dinner together. ( I missed him so badly even though it's a short while, although I see him everyday.)
Sample of the parcel I did for giveaway. 

Tuesday, I had a mixed feeling of being upset/happy because during the jog, I injured my knee. I think it was when I force myself at the fitness corner but I was also unsure of it. So, when we do the sit-up I told baby that I injured my left knee, but..
Like a meh? 
and then he continued doing his own exercise when I begged him to come and look at my knees. ='( I'm not whining, it was really protruding. 
and then,
when I got home I re-called yan kaykay the blogger peeled mangosteen for her bf and I was lazy la. 
So I asked baby to peel the mangosteen he specially bought just for me.. 
So unwilling, because he never peeled mangosteen before....

Opening the bag



 After awhile, he finally got some shell off =)





He say cannot post pic of his face cause he never shave, so.. he got cowface lor =p

 After that right, he very DU LAN.  
He say, " We spent $4.66 in the end only got so little to eat? 
So pathetic.
 Later in the night, I feel quite loser la.
I cried because I feel that he don't love me cox he hit me really hard in our smacking game.
In the midst of it, EGO strucked right onto my head, then I feel depressed.

baby is really very nice to me but he isn't the kind he can care/shower me love 24/7 like
He need alot of space of his own yet... I always can't make space for him. I'm a very lousy partner I know. 
But, all girls want their partner to care for them like 24/7 what?
No meh?
Girls, very easy one.
Just Hug them/pull closer to you say, 好啦好啦,下次不会。 (Of course you have to mean it)
Then Kaboom, everything resolved what. 
To me, for a couple to last in LOVE,
NEVER EVER EVER say BREAKUP/DIVORCE/ROLL AWAY. *yadayada similar words
(strains the r/s so badly right?) 
It really made me felt like this leh *SOBS* 
I'll never let us end a night with a quarell/fight or argument because,
I don't want to step into my parents shoes. 
( I have to grow our of it!)
I want to have a happy family in FUTURE. 
Actually, whenever I cry and tell baby why am I crying or why am I feeling upset I feel is just that I want more attention from him.
I really want him to keep loving me and not feel sick of me.I want to feel like this one day,
(after fights I always realised it's because of me feeling inferior about myself that leads to this) It's very difficult for baby to understand how I feel because he never know/knew the feeling of being foresaken by your love one. He never understand the feeling of yearning somebody to love you. 
Then, I don't know how I fell asleep sniffing the Vicks thingy. 
And then...I had fever and headaches after crying. (had to swallow 2 paracetomols)
Wednesday, I though I'll feel better after the paracetomols but NO! 
So painful, I feel my brain almost exploded. 
Baby got me fried noodles but he forgotten my favorites.
(Noodles mixed beehoon and chili sauce so he got me his own favorites.)
We spent the whole afternoon watching 回到三国。
I don't know why but aroung EP 13, it's getting boring?
But, I still love TVB dramas. Never fail to keep me entertained, I love it better when baby is watching it with me. 
So annoyed with my parents.

I want to do this to my mum, 
She is getting mental I feel.
Went to T3 for Popeyes.
Then T1 to pick Jean and some food.
Finally T2 for my sister. ( so fucking slow de)
 I very happy when I reach home because my sister bought me many NICE STUFFS! 
 New platform slippers from BKK, 
Why so painful one? 
my toes all blistered. 
All-Time FAVORITE ( prefer the hard candy)

Alot more gifts I received from my sister but I haven take pictures yet.
When babylove told me intially he assumed all SG mum's were nonchalant to their child. But he realized our family were the only " SPECIAL" ones. 
I miss his mum so badly, madly.
She is the best mum, jealous of baby.. 

P.S : I want a day from GOD to let all the worries go AWAY. GOD, please let me feel HAPPY. 

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