Monday, August 13, 2012


My sister went to BKK without me, not gian to go but... I feel I could have taken this opportunity to get my goods for Collection 2. Yes, Collection 1 is already facing major problem but I feel that I should persist for at least 3 Collections right?Not only did it consumed alot of my time and effort but it cost me more ka-ccchings $$ , my head hurts aw~~~~

Afterawhile, I still feel that blogging helps me to re-cap more of my memories. I read through my older posts and then I feel so sad and I've came so far with my babyboy thus, I decided to blog again anyway nobody is going to view this what? When I wasn't blogging, I used ....

to record everything in my life. This app is great just that I can't upload photos for keepsake.
I want to have an image in my blog on my first business with baby on the 05/08/2012 ( Our Anniversary and Important day). For this business, I went through so much. Doing the web myself, editing the pictures with GIMP (Overcomed in 3 days, contacting the bloggers for advertisements, getting banned from fb from adding friends and sending messages, receiving negative comments on the prices and layout and pictures. ( I will never succumb to it), I give myself 3 Collections! I want it so badly!

Aiya, whatever la Jubina Ho.. I feel happy on the 11th of August 2012 so I shall mention about that day. Was asked/demanded to T2 to send my sister off after baby's " interview/talk"? Took the train down, and POP my sister and parents appear while I was trying to finish the soup LOL!

and then we chatted until...


Super Annoying because the (I) lady she keep saying that is my sister's fault? But in the end, she managed to check-in and meet up with Jean. My sister, known for being a warrior, conquer everywhere herself. =.=

She's now known to be the....Healthy Guru in our family.
After seeing my sister check-in, my parents, BB and I went to the viewing mall. Why so small now ah? >.<
Hehe, baby look so 委屈。
and then my mother was like saying that she never been overseas for very long ( she just went KL in march)
I really like to bring her overseas BUT I'm not earning any kachings $$$. But I just gotta..
Wah, very happy-ing because I had alot of Yummsies food at T2 staff canteen. I want to work at the airport!!!!!!!给我一个机会!
Actually my job now quite ok, but then I don't feel motivated to come work everyday plus I worry that I kana scolding everyday ='( So sad life, feel fucking demoralized la to work here but then got ka-chhhinngs can already right? I need ka-cchhhings now what!?
Proceed/ Continue to the feasting cum Yummssie part. Actually I feel quite sad that my father got diagnosed for diabetes firstly because I'm afraid of getting it, Secondly my father feel like a burden ( that makes me feel sad) --> He thought I scared to eat his food and thinks that I have that mentality that diabetes passes through saliva? o.0 我没那么笨好不好?Thirdly, we cannot eat yummy food and buffet together anymore cox he keep on tao jiak!

And then, you see.. Tam Jiak!

The tissue look so 恶心。 Baby got me my favourite XLB, I don't know he know I like not but I damn happy la. And then my father got me my favorite panda chicken and then he bought tom yum soup for me also, but I know is because he TAM JIAK.

Mr.Greedy aka 阿爸。

Give birth to me, Miss. Greedy LOL 

T2 canteen XLB also look so Yums? Taste Yums also, can fight with Swee Choon at $3.20 for 6 I think.

Baby's Beef Noodle.

I very happy because my family ate peacefully that day and then we tour around T2, no fights,no argument so peaceful. I spent my weekend watching the Hongkong drama, 回到三国with baby boy. I feel so happy that he took out his time apart from "QH and IPHONE" time to watch the drama with me!

Actually, some parts I don't quite understand but then.. I'm still happy because nothing can beat winning "QH and IPHONE" time!
Hahahhahaahah, why so cute one? But I really feel like that la. I don't know why I feel so happy blogging I think people like bird, bed and steph will be laughing at this.

ALL THIS SHIT WILL GO AWAY! (abracadabra-alibaba~)
I feel thankful to god, I feel his pressence although I am not christian.

I just hope things get better, life gets better and my future even better and I can't wait to go back CHINA for my taitai life again!

So happy together =D
( I hope my child reads my blog and ask me why I'm so silly? LOL)

End off with our computer-generated baby! So cute =P

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