Thursday, November 22, 2012

Blessed as I should be, tired like a bee

Haven been penning down my thoughts on this space for quite some time...
due to laziness, busi-ness which means business busy preparing for the flea on the 01/12/2012
Brrrr~ so mad tired, I just want to die. 

Anyway, have this random thought to blog because I came across in a friend name T announcing that she's pregnant.It really made me feel that, one should keep fighting as I remember friend B saying that friend T was actually having problems having pregnancy problems after her marriage as she is having early menopause!
GOD shows us he loves us. 
Sometimes, I really think GOD built challenges to us but being the father of all children and adults (*ahem),
he also sent us miracles and gifts to teach us how to deal with life.

Why I say that because although this year was really a SHIT year for me. 
Like really.. everything bad happen to me...
1. BREAKOUTS 365 DAYS despite whatever I try to do to revive it. 
2. Leg cramp, cut myself and got myself another scar.
3. Body,stomach,head ACHE~~~~~
4. Gained weight like a MOTHER BULLDOG I don't know why?
5. Become jobless
7. Blisterry feet in the rain and all
ALOT LA, I can't remember all. 

Why Why Why? Life can be so sucky like that but GOD, appease my anger for all of the above that happened because when Xixi ( my husband) is going to find a job, 
he really gave us alot of failures and all lasting for about 2-3 months but I take it that he wants me and xixi to have HOLIDAY at GUANGZHOU so he do that. 
It wasn't easy at all waking up everyday trying to find a job or waiting for the news of EP/SPASS and etc and then looking forward to coming back SG as we've already been there for 2 weeks. 
But, just as we are about to give up and go home seprately... 
GOD granted his SHORT TERM VISIT PASS which was fair enough. 

I can't commit to being christian or saint as I belive in the Chinese God at times as well. 
actually, better to believe in yourself but praying to GOD won't harm me either isn't it?

These few days/weeks I have been feeling really upset as Xixi  does not have time for me AT ALL leh.
I can go crazy thinking about it all the time. 
I kept asking myself or maybe trying to convince myself that I should be contented as least I sleep beside him everyday what right? 
at the same time being a girl, 
you can't escape questions occuring in your head like...
1. Will he love me lesser or no feelings for me because we have no time for dates and even meals. 
2.Will he love another girl cox so MANY young, sexy and pretty girls at his workplace?
(* this is not a matter of trust issue, trust me.)
Like... will our love life become so mundane from now? 

Really, is like you think about it you will cry kind. 

Xixi was really nice, understanding and loving towards me. (actually I know that I should be behaving to him like that instead because he work very long hours and he can work as many days as 15 days straight with no breaks at all)

I know he tried his best to squeeze in time for me whenever possible. 
He tries his best to take break during SUNDAY because I have work the rest of the days. 
He tries his best to make sure I don't have my meals alone. 
He tries his best just to give me the feeling of couple shopping. (at compass point or NTUC la but also can what.) 

He even bought me my favorite peanuts that is ALWAYS OUT OF STOCK. 
He always always always re-stock them because he know I love it and he know I don't want to leave home alone to go get it. 

When we have our lunch which is always fish soup at Rivervale Plaza because it just taste so good.. 
He always give me 2-3 pcs extra! or if he eat ban mian he gives me his egg and prawns. (=.=) and he always like to buy and then I just wait to eat kind then like I very ma fan want to eat chili he still go take for me even when he already starving like &*((_)_+_+__!@#!%$^@!&*

P.S no fish soup photo.
I wanted to eat HOT POT for damn long, like the one at NEX. 
He is those kind really no interest in food one, you just dont starve him can liao.. 
After work so so so shag liao, he still bring me there.
But then because it was so late, they don't want to serve us ALREADY! 
Baby, asked for the manager to come out and then they let us eat! 
Sho sho sho HAPPY~~~~~
Then after he gotten his pay, he even suggested to bring me to pizzahut. 
* he super hates eating pizza so we only went once before together since we got together.
But, because I want curry rice so he just bring me there without saying anything else. 
and Xixi taking pic of his Aglio Olio 
He wanted to surprise me with a BIGGIE BIG BIG BEAR that I really really liked but kana exposed by me because I want to tag along to pick a SHIRT for him at G2000 sales. 
But still quite surprised cox he bought me fishballs. (* My favorite ones from chinatown)
I feel really happy when I see the bear and I really like hugging the bear everyday. 
Can I have a bigger one baby? 
There was this day that I was making a nuisance as he had to finish work really late and I was really upset as I want him to be home with me and I really hate to think that he would be so tired at work, he have to walk home from the interchange etc. 
I merely mentioned that I was craving for mcwings and then he came home late with 2 of my favorite. 
How can I still be upset after seeing him being so meticulous and taking every effort to make me happy? 
Mcwings with my favorite strawberry milkshakey!

Mcwings with extra garrrlick chili sauce!

 On my mama birthday, I love you my xiao xixi. 

Thank you for bring so understanding, meticulous.. always caring about my feelings. 
Love you so much!

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